Diabetes Treatments
The oldest description of Diabetes mellitus in history is found in the Ayurvedic scriptures that date back to Circa 1500 BC. The Ayurvedic Physicians called it ‘Madhumeha’ meaning honey urine or sweet urine, elucidating that the urine of a diabetic person would attract ants. The Ayurvedic scriptures Charaka samhita and Susruta samhita went further explaining two major types of Madhumeha.Type 1 affecting youth and Type 2 associated with body weight.
The renowned Ayurvedic treatment program for diabetes, offered at Dr.Tony Ayurveda’s Diabetes retreat, primarily involves reviving and rejuvenating the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas to produce adequate insulin and improving the responsiveness of body tissues especially muscle and fat cells towards the secreted insulin. Life style modifications and diet adjustments are also employed in swiftly taking control of the blood sugar levels.