Panchakarma Treatments

Panchakarma (detoxification) treatments include a set of five therapeutic treatments administered to the patient for the deeper and complete detoxification of the body. The presence of toxins which is accumulated, in the physical, pranic and mental dimensions from the past life accumulations, from the parents, society, improper diet, improper life style and living without awareness causes not fulfilling the purpose of creation in this universe.

According to Ayurveda , detoxification is essential before undergoing any other major treatment. Even for healthy people, it is recommended to undergo this treatment once in every 5 years to get rid of all the chemical toxins accumulated over the years. In some cases, Panchakarma (detoxification) treatments alone can use to treat many chronic diseases that will not require any further treatments afterwards.


Restoring the body's natural balance through Panchakarma !

Ayurveda Detoxing

Exploring ways to improve your health through Ayurvedic Detoxing!


Elimination of Stress through Self Rejuvenation!
