

Ayurveda aims at 100% percent recovery of the patient. Eliminating the disease at the root level, Ayurveda prevents the recurrence of the ailment. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes pain and damages in various joints throughout the body. Ayurveda believes in eliminating any disease condition by alteration in the day to day lifestyle habits along with natural medications to completely remove the medical condition from the body and to reduce the symptoms through a systematic and customized treatment plan. Along with treatment plans, few lifestyle modifications are advised to produce effective results. Decoctions are to be consumed to prevent the recurrence of the condition and to improve the overall health condition. Many forms of arthritis, especially autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, involve inflammation, a process that causes joint swelling, redness, and pain and eventually destroys the joint components. Yoga may be a gentle, soothing form of physical activity for someone with RA or a similar disease, but can regular yoga practice actually help reduce inflammation


Dr. Tony has done his rteserch over 10 years to have a cure for the people suffering from the pain of the arthritis and he has awarded from the Royal Collage of Physicians , London for his research finding about multi disciplinary approach in osteo arthritic management . He has developed a special programme which includes herbal medicine , YOGA , organic living and rejuvantion therapy for the joint to regain the strength . He has found some magical remedies from the TRIBAL medicines practiced in our area to bring back the degenerated joints back to normal .

Restoring the body's natural balance through Panchakarma !

Ayurveda Detoxing

Exploring ways to improve your health through Ayurvedic Detoxing!


Elimination of Stress through Self Rejuvenation!
