Respiratory diseases
Even though they are primarily affecting the respiratory system, are greatly influenced by stress and immunity. Our gut has an important role in immunity. So your digestive problems, stress and respiratory issues are inseparable. Here Ayurveda’s holistic approach becomes handy. Instead of the disease, Ayurveda always treats the individual. During an Ayurvedic consultation, your respiratory system, digestive system, metabolism, immunity and mind will be assessed and treated. Herbs, lifestyle modifications, detox treatments, etc. which can help to address the root causes of disease and different systems at the same time will be advised as needed. Ayurveda in general is very effective to boost immunity and help with stress. That is why the system of Ayurveda is more effective in case of chronic respiratory diseases.As the level of the toxins increases in the system, the body becomes more and more intolerant to different substances and allergic to them. Low immunity plays a vital role here. So detoxifying the system, improving metabolism and boosting immunity become important.Your mental and emotional status has a direct link to the aggravation and/ or relapse of respiratory diseases. So it is important to treat your stress as well while treating your respiratory diseases. An imbalance in the system itself can contribute to the stress. So correcting the imbalance, lifestyle modification, meditation, Ayurvedic massage treatments, etc. can help you to combat your stress.