Herbal Beauty & Skin Care
Herbal Beauty & Skin Care
According to Ayurveda, one’s health and emotional state are reflected in his face and body and cannot be disguised with cosmetics. In other words, Ayurveda emphasizes on maintaining the skin’s beauty by keeping ones internal body clean and healthy.
Very often what enhances the charisma of a man or overall attractiveness and glamour of a woman is their hair.
Our customized hair program heals, nourishes and strengthens the scalp and every hair strand from it’s root ensuring that your hair stays healthy and beautiful with its natural lively and radiant shine. The treatment also cures excessive hair fall, alopecia areata, premature greying, chronic dandruff etc.
The Ayurvedic secret to beauty is Ojas. Ojas is the essence of the 7 dhatus (lymph, blood, muscles, fat, bones, bone marrow, reproductory fluids), that gives vitality to our neuromuscular system and radiates youthful energy and glowing skin at all ages. For enhancing beauty, we use special herbs made of green leaves, turmeric, almonds, lavender, roses, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc.